home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, January 16, 2015 - Page 43 of 86 - << previous page : next page >>
After the outdoor queues you make your way to the indoor queue.  The snow queue to the left and Olaf to the right.
After the outdoor queues you make your way to the indoor queue. The snow queue to the left and Olaf to the right. Click to switch to large image view
Olaf meets in the back of the building facing the snow play area.  This was the only semi clear shot I was able to get (the wait to see him was 45 minutes)
Olaf meets in the back of the building facing the snow play area. This was the only semi clear shot I was able to get (the wait to see him was 45 minutes) Click to switch to large image view
There was a random snow fall moment, want to say it lasted a minute or so only.
There was a random snow fall moment, want to say it lasted a minute or so only. Click to switch to large image view